L o a d i n g



Microsoft Office is a suite of cloud-based applications that includes popular Microsoft products such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. onevis supports companies in the planning, implementation and optimization of Office 365 solutions to improve collaboration and productivity within the company.

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Microsoft Teams is a collaborative platform that brings teams together and improves collaboration within the company. onevis supports the planning and implementation of Microsoft Teams and integration with other applications to optimize collaboration and communication within the company.

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OneDrive is a cloud-based storage service that allows users to store and access files and documents online. onevis helps organizations implement OneDrive solutions and integrate with other applications to improve access to data and documents and ensure data security.

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Sharepoint Online

SharePoint Online is a web-based platform that enables users to create, store, share and collaborate on documents and content. onevis supports companies in implementing SharePoint Online and adapting it to their business processes in order to increase collaboration and efficiency within the company. increase.

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